True Self Health & Human Performance


All of our Services—including Executive Coaching, Community Events, and Online Courses—and each of our Modalities—Breathwork, Cold-Exposure Training, and Physiotherapy—are designed to support you in your journey to better health, wellness, and performance.


  • Our Executive Coaching sessions are meticulously crafted to empower high-achieving executives, c-suite teams, and investors to excel, harnessing the power of emotional awareness, the mind/body connection, and breathwork practices. In an industry often dominated by theoretical approaches, we prioritize action over mere contemplation. Our mission is to actively guide you toward tangible results.

    Interested? Click here to learn more.

  • Are you an elite athlete striving to improve your mental game? Our Mental Performance coaching, guided by Dr. Ternes, combines positive psychology, mind/body/breath coaching, and emotional awareness practices to optimize performance on and off the field. Our approach is unique and grounded in education, experience, and amazing results!

    Learn more & let’s work together!

  • Our group coaching and training programs provide in-depth education and engaging health practices while working with a group or cohort to support your process. Multiple offerings covering a variety of health and wellness topics (breathwork, men’s group, and microdosing education) are perfect for those looking to deepen their practice in a supportive group setting.

    More information coming soon.

  • At True Self Health, fostering community is central to everything we do! Our aim is to lead a multitude of community-centered events, including breathwork sessions, ice-bath experiences, and community conversations on a variety of health topics. Join us for upcoming community wellness events that bring good people together and inspire learning, growth, and healing.

    View our upcoming events.

  • Elevate your team's productivity and well-being with our dynamic corporate health and wellness programs. Our Breathwork Workshops and Ice-Bath Experiences provide the ultimate in team-building, fostering resilience and camaraderie. Enhance your team's capabilities further with our Emotional Intelligence Coaching, designed to reduce stress, boost team chemistry, and significantly improve work efficiency. Invest in your team's potential and watch your organization thrive!

    Click here to learn how to create a wellness experience for your team!

  • Our online catalog of self-guided courses offers in-depth education and engaging health practices to support your self-led journey to health & wellness.

    More information coming soon.

  • Throughout history, men have gathered to support one another in mind, body, and spirit. Today, amidst soaring rates of loneliness and male suicide, the resurgence of men's groups is crucial. With over five years of experience, Justin has been mentored by acclaimed facilitators such as Dan Doty and John Wineland.

    We offer in-person men's group in NWA as well as online offerings.

    Learn more.

    For more information on the San Diego Men's Group, please email

  • Expand your expertise and leadership in breathwork, emotional intelligence, and mind/body connection through our immersive trainings and mentorship programs. Whether you're aspiring to become a wellness coach or aiming to elevate your current practice, our comprehensive programs provide expert guidance to propel you forward.

    Email for more information.


  • Breath is the foundation of life, directly influencing everything we do. By mastering your breathing, you can control your nervous system, shift your mindset, release stress, and improve performance. With over 6 years of experience, Dr. Ternes has guided thousands through group and individual sessions, drawing on techniques from the Wim Hof Method, Brian Mackenzie, and Erwan Le Corre.

    Learn more.

  • Master your body's response to stress. Learn techniques to regulate your physiological responses, reducing the impact of stress and pain on your life. Our evidence-based approaches provide powerful tools for self-healing and resilience.

  • Experience the invigorating benefits of cold exposure: strengthen your immune response, increase fat metabolism, and enhance resilience. Dr. Ternes has helped thousands of people into icy waters, pushing their limits in a safe and supportive environment.

    Learn more.

  • Mind/Body/Breath is our unique coaching modality aimed to support individuals, executives, and athletes to connect more deeply to their inner selves. Emotional awareness and intelligence are major factors in life decisions - and these emotions and energies start in the body. Improving your ability to connect the mind/body link, gives a unique superpower into the world.

    Click here to learn more about our MIND/BODY/BREATH Coaching.

    Click here to learn more about all of our coaching programs.

  • Recover, rebuild, renew. Our physiotherapy practices utilize evidence-based approaches to treat, heal, and prevent injuries and optimize physical health. From injury rehabilitation to movement optimization, Dr. Justin Ternes applies his expertise to help you move better and feel better.

    Click here to read more about physiotherapy.

  • Dr. Justin Ternes utilizes a diverse array of modalities to enhance his clients' well-being and performance. His comprehensive approach includes habits and behavioral health coaching, metabolic health optimization, mindfulness practices, corrective exercise, and physical fitness training. Additionally, Dr. Ternes offers relationship coaching and specializes in masculine/feminine embodiment, providing holistic whole health coaching. By blending these varied disciplines, he ensures tailored, impactful guidance for each client.

    As Robert Greene wisely said, “The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”

Our holistic approach to health, wellness, and self-improvement is rooted in evidence-based techniques such as breathwork, meditation, and movement.

We pair practice with education for a double dose of empowerment. We have offerings for everyone, whether you prefer to work one-on-one or in groups, online or in person.


Contact us to find out how Dr. Ternes can support your health & wellness goals, from personalized breathwork coaching to enhance your nervous system, to corporate wellness events to improve your team’s productivity.