My Fasting Journey

I first discovered intermittent fasting in 2018. I was working in my first physical therapy clinic when a friend approached me, introducing the idea of skipping breakfast as a health and wellness practice. This absolutely did not make sense to me, given that, for my whole life, the very thing that got me out of bed in the morning was FOOD. Regardless, I was intrigued and tried it out.

The hunger was grueling, yet after a couple of days of skipping breakfast, I was remarkably surprised by how much energy I had—without food in my belly! I continued practicing intermittent fasting for a couple of months and noticed so many positive shifts. I lost weight (got leaner), my energy was clean and consistent throughout the day, and I felt I had more emotional control. It was amazing.

Fast-forward a couple of years, and I started hearing whispers about the benefits of multi-day fasting. Again, I was intrigued. So, I tried a 48-hour fast and felt great. A few months later, I extended that to three days—even better! Finally, the challenge and opportunity presented itself—a five-day water-only fast. It was hard, confusing, brutal, enlivening, challenging, and spiritually activating. And I did it! Afterward, food couldn’t have tasted any better.

Jump to the present, and I’ve done multiple five-day fasts, helped guide countless friends into their own practices, and recently completed a seven-day water-only fast while traveling to Boston for a Metabolic Mind-Body Course at Harvard.

It feels very true to say that fasting will continue to be a part of my practice for the rest of my life. The benefits are too great, and the healing too profound to ignore.

Now, I’m excited to share the practice with you. Let’s gooooooo!


What Color is Your Emotion?